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  • Dr. Pete Lorins

Should Blacks or Others Leave the Democrat Party?

Pete Lorins ~ Chicago, IL

There is old commercial that used to go like "WHEN BANKS COMPETE YOU WIN", and I often think of it when I think of how the Democrat party has attributed Blacks to Identity Politics or Politicized the Black Race to say the least just for the purpose of securing their votes without offering them nearly anything in return. Accordingly, at the very least, Blacks are not getting the two major parties to compete for their votes (and thus have been losing by being at the bottom of the totem pole), and thus specifically have been giving the Democrat party no incentives to do anything special to earn their votes as they have been casting votes for it by default anyway.

An appropriate slogan could be that when the two major parties compete for Black votes, Blacks win and so does the country at large.

Despite the knowledge that Blacks have switched allegiance in the past, the focus of this article is to ask whether Blacks should leave the Democrat party even for a term even if it is for the ephemeral purpose of teaching a lesson to the Democrat party or incentivizing it to actually fight for Black causes, many of which are also American causes.

Dr. Lorins came up with the name BLAXODUS because lately an EXODUS (departure) from the Democrat party has been occurring with a plethora of Blacks, which includes prominent or celebrity/famous Blacks.

When TRUMP asked Blacks "what have they had to lose?", many seemed to have been listening. Issues like illegal immigration, which affect predominantly Black areas, and inflation are some of the major bread-and-butter topics that have have affected poor to middle Black families the most. It is a fact Biden's administration has induced a 400% increase in illegal or unnecessary immigration all while creating record high inflation. Incidentally, Biden (a Democrat POTUS) has had a number of wars that have happened under his watch, which has further exacerbated the immigration nightmare.

On the other hand, no other Republican has courted the Black vote more than Trump has and his Black voter turn out has been nothing short of phenomenal. In addition the legal warfare ("lawfare") and demonization attempts that he has had to go through has demonstrated his willingness to face obstacles head on, as he referred to it all as politically motivated warfare/persecution against him induced by what he's called the Democrats' "Trump Derangement Syndrome."

And lately, even on the verge of losing his life during an assassination attempt, TRUMP showed his zeal, fighting spirit by encouraging others to fight even while blood was gushing out of his ear.

Under Trump border crossing were negligibly small compared to what has been occurring under Biden. Additionally, there was no war, and more prosperity among Blacks. In fact, had it not been for COVID, Trump's administration would have been one of the best, if not the best that the country has ever experienced. The only blemish in Trump's admin was January 6th, but he argues that he never asked people to go there and asked them not to and that Ms. Pelosi had chosen not to send the requested authorities there, who could have prevented it all. In a nutshell, nearly all Americans will think of Trump as tougher on disorder and as a law-and-order President.

I have been studying Trump since I was a teenager. YES, he has a big mouth. He is flamboyant, Reality TV Material (after all he was, arguably, America's top Reality TV Star for a long time), controversial, entertaining, and funny. But he is also resolute, driven, and does believe that America should not be the sucker in being the leader of Free World. he believes in fair trade, and is against staple laws like NAFTA passed by Democrats, which quite frankly were patently unfair to America.

So, whether you like Trump or not, if one must consider the end in all things, one must attest that TRUMP is the only candidate who, unapologetically, states exactly what he'll do. He clearly asserted that he wants FAIR TRADE, LEGAL IMMIGRATION, MINIMIZED INFLATION and is the only Republican President that has caused a Black American exodus by exposing the short comings of the Democrat party, and as a result, he ended 2 dynasties (e.g., BUSH and CLINTON) and managed to temporarily HALT OBANOMICS/BIDENOMICS. Neither Obama nor Biden has ever started a business or been executive in any entity until they got elected. While Trump is used to having his way as the top executive of his own empire, at least he gained the fearlessness needed to be a steadfast leader in aiming to do what's right without failing to please all the people all the time, an impossible feat anyway.

Like him or not, he deserves to be highly recognized and he will have singled handedly caused a Black male exodus especially after many Black males felt that they could empathize with his mugshot and believe that the DEMs were doing their best to stop him because they are afraid of his BIG MOUTH and policies which quite frankly can affect Democrats and Republicans alike.

I am impressed by the Dallas Mayor who switch from the Democrat Party to the Republican Party and asserted: "The future of America's great urban centers depends on the willingness of the nation's mayors to champion law and order and practice fiscal conservatism... in other words, American cities need Republicans and Republicans need American cities."

NO one should request Blacks to leave a party forever. But for now, the only party from which Blacks should depart is the Democrat party, even if it is to incentivize it to actually do worthwhile things for Blacks in order to EARN the BLACK (Brown and others) VOTE.

IN A RUSH ~ Like My Late Great Father ~ The Funny, Incomparable Philanthropist, Historian and Pastor, Pierre Lorins (May He RIP!)

This article was written by Dr. Pete Lorins and sponsored by on 8/5/24



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