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  • Ariel Charles

What is Your True Perception of (or what are your perspectives on) the Biden-Harris Administration?

Updated: Jul 31, 2021

Perspective - a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.

Perception - a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression.

Let's UNCENSOREDLY Share Our Perception or Perspectives on Various Chosen Topics...

While it is tailored to conservative values, we welcome heated dialogues from all political persuasions that debate KEY ISSUES that have the potential of improving our perceptions/perspectives and those of society at large... ENJOY!




My thoughts on the Joe Biden "presidency" are somewhat mixed. I felt that, in his earlier years, he was a moderate, at least as far as Democrats are concerned. However, if you watch the Vice Presidential debate with Sarah Palin and Biden, and compare them to Biden now, you see a huge decline in his cognitive abilities. He is just such a shadow of his former self. (Not that he was ever bright, but he was almost "average" in intelligence. If you watch his questioning of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and you hear him commenting about it, Thomas stated that Biden didn't know what the **ll he was talking about.)

At some point, Joe learned how the game is…

Pete Lorins
Pete Lorins

Amazing analysis! Thanks for the insightful feedback, Master Negotiator. I Enjoyed it!


Pete Lorins
Pete Lorins

Feel free to share your views on here. You will not feel chastised or belittled on this platform.

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